About Harry Pinkus

My Story

My passion for writing was really ignited at the University of Wisconsin where I studied journalism and wrote for the campus newspaper, The Daily Cardinal. After many years as a partner in a marketing firm, I formed a consultancy to focus totally on writing for business related publications, creating marketing content and materials for both digital and print media.

My career writing content for my clients was rewarding but something was missing. I needed to write something for myself. My first novel, The Kingmaker’s Redemption, allowed me to creatively express my personal point of view through storytelling. Once it was finished, I got right to work on the next book, Human Collateral, A Miles Darien Detective Thriller which kicked off my new series in July of 2022. The second installment of the series, Justified Malice, debuted in October 2023.

It’s hard to imagine anyone writing and publishing a novel on their own. So many people have contributed to making mine a reality. First and foremost, I want to thank my wife Jackie and son David for their love and encouragement throughout this process. As in my life, I couldn’t have made it this far without them. I also want to acknowledge my Beta Readers for their constructive critiques which has always steered my work in the right direction. Finally, I want to thank Terri and all the staff at BQB/WriteLife Publishing for bringing these projects to life. Special thanks go out to my editors who continually teach me so much and guide me so adeptly to the finish line of each project.

My wife Jackie and I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

To learn more, please check out my two recent interviews by clicking on Interviews or on the tab of the specific title of interest under the Books, Reading Guides, Reviews menu tab.


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